
The ambition to win over other people for one’s views and ideas and to generate support.

demonstrates enthusiasm and flair
demonstrates faith in his/her convictions
uses non-verbal behavior to reinforce his/her appearance
uses logical and transparent arguments

uses argumentation that appeals to the audience
finds a good balance between professional arguments, humor, putting things in perspective and understanding the other person's situation
uses concrete examples to support his/her argumentation
anticipates the other person's doubts and can dispel those doubts adequately

anticipates arguments and formulates adequate counter-arguments
hears both sides of an argument
makes other people see the advantages and possibilities of a proposal
generates support for difficult proposals
believes in his/her proposals and demonstrates this belief

thinks about a strategy to convince others
uses the right arguments at the right moments
uses a dialogue with the audience in order to use their arguments to his advantage
knows about potential counter-arguments and objections in advance
approaches the right contacts to gain and increase support for his/her proposals
uses various strategies to convince others

Persuasiveness can be easily developed if the candidate has a more than average score (7,8,9) on the drives Dominance, Energy & action and Extroversion.

What characterizes a good salesperson, according to you? What makes you think that? Which of those traits do you have?
Could you comment on a proposal you once made that was not accepted by your superior? Why was it not? What would you do differently next time?
Could you comment on a proposal you once made that was accepted by your superior? What did you do right this time? Would you do it differently next time anyway?
Could you give an example of a difficult sales interview you have had recently? What was the situation and what did you do exactly?
When was the last time you had to convince someone? What exactly did you do?

Ask yourself constantly to what approach your opponent will be susceptible (while keeping your goal in mind).
Be aware of the differences between form and content when using different communication levels.
Do not be afraid of pauses in a conversation.
Look at your body language: What do you do with your hands? How are your feet positioned? Are you standing up straight?
Be aware of your skills.

Investigate with your candidate whether he can think of situations either at work or outside in which he persuaded other people. Why did it work those times?
Investigate with your candidate whether there have been situations either at work or outside in which other people were very persuasive and he was not? Can the candidate think of ways to be more persuasive next time?
If the candidate’s lack of persuasiveness is due to a personality trait such as low self-esteem or an introverted disposition, there is little one can do; in that case this competency is difficult to coach. You can find out with the TMA Assessment.
Try and hinder or annoy your candidate in a role play (‘you cannot do this; this does not work’) and encourage the candidate to try and win you over with his arguments.
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